Is God Cruel?
by Jeremiah Knoop on May 24th, 2024
Orphaned children, agonizing starvation, debilitating diseases, horrific wars, corrupt governments, abusive parents, manipulative pastors, rampant divorce, heart-wrenching miscarriages, devastating natural disasters, crushing poverty, and seemingly endless etceteras. How could someone believe that God is good when He allows such unspeakable sorrow? It’s the epitome of absurdity. If God exists, He is either powerless or cruel.  Read More
God is Trinity
by Jeremiah Knoop on May 8th, 2024
One of the most important truths of the Christian faith is that (1) there is only one God and that (2) He has eternally existed as three persons: Father, Son, Spirit.  Read More
"In the Beginning ... God"
by Jeremiah Knoop on April 23rd, 2024
The first words recorded in the Bible: "In the beginning...God."   Read More
Tattooed for the Glory of God
by Jeremiah Knoop on April 16th, 2024
Every so often, I’ll come across a social media post lamenting the bygone era of religious purity and biblical faithfulness that once marked the true Christians of this country. “True Christians would never have tobacco on their breath, alcohol in their blood, or tattoos over their body.” Underneath a statement like this is the belief that true devotion is displayed through the myriad of things that sincere Christians avoid at all costs.   Read More
Our Sophisticated Hiding Places
by Jeremiah Knoop on April 10th, 2024
The world has become skillful when it comes to the game of hiding in the shadows - and so have we.  Read More
How Do We Know the Bible is True?
by Jeremiah Knoop on December 30th, 2023
How do we know the Bible is true? This might be the most important question a human being could ever ask.  Read More
Christian Optimism
by Jeremiah Knoop on December 15th, 2023
When our worldview is shaped by headlines and hashtags, it’s no wonder so many Christians are discouraged, fearful, and pessimistic about the future.  Read More
Deconstructing Your Faith
by Jeremiah Knoop on December 15th, 2023
As an adult, I have watched many of my close friends walk away from the Christian faith they once professed. The cultural hashtag for this spiritual trajectory is “deconstruction”.  Read More