God is Trinity
One of the most important truths of the Christian faith is that (1) there is only one God and that (2) He has eternally existed as three persons: Father, Son, Spirit.
This is known as the doctrine of the “Trinity”, meaning “tri-unity” or “three-in-oneness”.
What does it mean that God is three-in-one?
First, it means that there is only One God:
there is not a plurality of gods (Isa 43:10);
there is only one God (1 Tim 2:5),
and none besides this God (1 Kings 8:60).
Yet, it also means that God is three Persons:
the Father is God (1 John 3:1),
the Son is God (Titus 2:13),
and the Spirit is God (Acts 5:3–4).
It means that…
each person of the Trinity is fully God,
and each person of the Trinity is always God:
never changing (Mal 3:6) and never becoming (Isa 40:28).
One in essence (John 4:24). Undivided in nature (Num 23:19).
United in purpose (Isa 6:8). Equal in attributes (Phil 2:6).
Yet distinct in their eternal roles and relationships (John 6:38; 16:7).
One in the work of creation, yet active in different ways (Gen 1:1–2; John 1:1–2).
One in the miracle of redemption, yet active in different ways (John 3:16; Eph 1:13–14).
One in the mission of the church, yet active in different ways (Matt 28:19).
It is a mystery beyond explanation (Isa 40:18; Rom 11:34).
We can explore it, but we cannot exhaust it (1 Kings 8:27).
Yet, our very existence rests upon it (Gen 1:26).
We are drawn to relationships…
- because we were made in the image of a Triune God who is in relationship with Himself.
We are desperate for love …
- because we were created by a Triune God who has loved for all eternity.
We crave intimacy…
- because we were designed by a God who is intimately known within the fellowship of the Trinity.
And we see three-ness everywhere
in the one world that God has made
for His glory and our everlasting joy.
© Jeremiah Knoop
No other God
There is none
Across the universe
No other God
Three in One
Infinite in worth
Before the dawn
Before the sun
Upon eternal throne
The everlasting Father
Holy Spirit, Son
Triune God alone
None can describe
No mind comprehend
No theology explain
Three are God
& God is one
Unique, yet same
One in essence
One in nature
One in unity
Three in person
Known and loved
For all eternity
He is the
God Who Sees
(Gen 16:13).
He is the
God Who Saves
(Matt 1:21).
He is the
God Who Seals
(Eph 1:13).
He is the
God Who Sends
(John 3:16).
He is the
God Who Suffers
(Isa 53:11).
He is the
God Who Shields
(Gen 15:1).
As we look
beneath the sun
everywhere we see
The evidence that
God is One,
& God is Three.
We see…
Three in Existence:
Birth. Life. Death.
Three in Direction:
Right. Center. Left.
We see…
Three in Family:
Child. Mother. Father.
Three in World:
Earth. Sky. Water.
We see…
Three in Colors:
Red. Yellow. Blue.
Three in Necessities:
Clothing. Shelter. Food.
We see…
Three in Water:
Solid. Liquid. Gas.
Three in Time:
First. Middle. Last.
We see threes in…
Dimensions.1 Decisions.2
Shapes.3 Size.4
Flowers.5 Trees.6
Daylight.7 Prize.8
Music.9 Grammar.10
Atom.11 Bread.12
Stories.13 Clouds.14
Toil.15 Head.16
One in Three.
Three in One.
Reflections of Trinity.
None are perfect.
Obviously. For none
Could ever be.
He’s beyond comparison.
Beyond all comprehension.
God above infinity.
Beyond symbols, shadows,
Examples and expos…
God is Trinity.
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
~ Matthew 28:18
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.
~ 2 Corinthians 13:14
No other God
There is none
Across the universe
No other God
Three in One
Infinite in worth
Before the dawn
Before the sun
Upon eternal throne
The everlasting Father
Holy Spirit, Son
Triune God alone
None can describe
No mind comprehend
No theology explain
Three are God
& God is one
Unique, yet same
One in essence
One in nature
One in unity
Three in person
Known and loved
For all eternity
He is the
God Who Sees
(Gen 16:13).
He is the
God Who Saves
(Matt 1:21).
He is the
God Who Seals
(Eph 1:13).
He is the
God Who Sends
(John 3:16).
He is the
God Who Suffers
(Isa 53:11).
He is the
God Who Shields
(Gen 15:1).
As we look
beneath the sun
everywhere we see
The evidence that
God is One,
& God is Three.
We see…
Three in Existence:
Birth. Life. Death.
Three in Direction:
Right. Center. Left.
We see…
Three in Family:
Child. Mother. Father.
Three in World:
Earth. Sky. Water.
We see…
Three in Colors:
Red. Yellow. Blue.
Three in Necessities:
Clothing. Shelter. Food.
We see…
Three in Water:
Solid. Liquid. Gas.
Three in Time:
First. Middle. Last.
We see threes in…
Dimensions.1 Decisions.2
Shapes.3 Size.4
Flowers.5 Trees.6
Daylight.7 Prize.8
Music.9 Grammar.10
Atom.11 Bread.12
Stories.13 Clouds.14
Toil.15 Head.16
One in Three.
Three in One.
Reflections of Trinity.
None are perfect.
Obviously. For none
Could ever be.
He’s beyond comparison.
Beyond all comprehension.
God above infinity.
Beyond symbols, shadows,
Examples and expos…
God is Trinity.
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
~ Matthew 28:18
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.
~ 2 Corinthians 13:14
Knowing that there is no perfect way to symbolize the indescribable trinitarian nature of God, I chose to use three interconnected circles:
God is outside of time, which is symbolized in the clock that starts after God. The color red is symbolic of life (Lev 17:11). The arrow coming from the red dot is pointing to the life that God created – which is to say that all life comes from God (Acts 17:25). There is also an arrow pointing up – which is to say that everything God created is for His glory (Isa 43:7). The whole symbol is surrounded by a gear – which is to say that God is working all things for our good and for His glory (Rom 8:28).17
- The top circle forms the image of an eye, symbolizing my favorite title for God in the Old Testament: “You are the God Who Sees” (Gen 16:13).
- The middle circle intersects with the top and bottom circle to form a fish, which is symbolic of Christ.
- The bottom circle reveals the image of wind, which is the meaning of the Hebrew word for spirit.
God is outside of time, which is symbolized in the clock that starts after God. The color red is symbolic of life (Lev 17:11). The arrow coming from the red dot is pointing to the life that God created – which is to say that all life comes from God (Acts 17:25). There is also an arrow pointing up – which is to say that everything God created is for His glory (Isa 43:7). The whole symbol is surrounded by a gear – which is to say that God is working all things for our good and for His glory (Rom 8:28).17
1Three in Dimension: Height. Width. Depth.
2Three in Decisions: Yes. No. Maybe.
3Three in Shapes: Circle. Square. Triangle.
4Three in Size: Small. Medium. Large.
5Three in Flowers: Roots. Stem. Pedals.
6Three in Trees: Roots. Trunk. Branches.
7Three in Daylight: Evening. Morning. Noon.
8Three in Prize: Gold, Silver, Bronze.
9Three in Music: Root. Third. Fifth.
10Three in Finale: Question? Period. Exclamation!
11Three in Atom: Proton. Neutron. Electron.
12Three in Bread: Flour. Yeast. Water.
13Three in Story: Setting. Characters. Plot.
14Three in Clouds: Cirrus. Stratus. Cumulus.
15Three in Toil: Blood. Sweat. Tears.
16Three in Head: Cerebrum. Brainstem. Cerebellum.
17Other passages that point to the Trinity (Gen 1:26; 3:22; 11:7; Deut 6:4; Isa 6:8; 9:6; 40:3; 44:6–8; 45:5–6, 21–22; 63:10; Psa 45:6–7; Matt 3:16–17; 28:19; John 17:5, 24; 20:28; Rom 3:30; 9:5; 1 Cor 3:16; 8:6; 12:4–6; 2 Cor 13:14; Eph 4:4–6; Col 1:16; 2:9; 1 Tim 2:5; Heb 1:1–10; James 2:19; 1 Pet 1:2; 2 Pet 1:1; Jude 20–21).
1Three in Dimension: Height. Width. Depth.
2Three in Decisions: Yes. No. Maybe.
3Three in Shapes: Circle. Square. Triangle.
4Three in Size: Small. Medium. Large.
5Three in Flowers: Roots. Stem. Pedals.
6Three in Trees: Roots. Trunk. Branches.
7Three in Daylight: Evening. Morning. Noon.
8Three in Prize: Gold, Silver, Bronze.
9Three in Music: Root. Third. Fifth.
10Three in Finale: Question? Period. Exclamation!
11Three in Atom: Proton. Neutron. Electron.
12Three in Bread: Flour. Yeast. Water.
13Three in Story: Setting. Characters. Plot.
14Three in Clouds: Cirrus. Stratus. Cumulus.
15Three in Toil: Blood. Sweat. Tears.
16Three in Head: Cerebrum. Brainstem. Cerebellum.
17Other passages that point to the Trinity (Gen 1:26; 3:22; 11:7; Deut 6:4; Isa 6:8; 9:6; 40:3; 44:6–8; 45:5–6, 21–22; 63:10; Psa 45:6–7; Matt 3:16–17; 28:19; John 17:5, 24; 20:28; Rom 3:30; 9:5; 1 Cor 3:16; 8:6; 12:4–6; 2 Cor 13:14; Eph 4:4–6; Col 1:16; 2:9; 1 Tim 2:5; Heb 1:1–10; James 2:19; 1 Pet 1:2; 2 Pet 1:1; Jude 20–21).
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